What are Relationship Skills?

Where once our work teams looked a little bit like this...

... today, some look more like this.

One of the biggest challenges facing leaders and managers today is how to manage remote teams that previously thrived on in-person collaboration, and that require sharing ideas and teamwork. Relationship skills can help.

The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning defines five social and emotional competencies, including relationship skills; 'the ability to establish and maintain healthy and rewarding relationships with diverse individuals and groups' (CASEL, 2015, p. 6). 

This course explores three relationships skills (Conley, 2015) that are particularly relevant, and that manifest differently, in remote work.

  • Establishing and Maintaining Healthy Relationships
  • Communicating Effectively
  • Managing Conflict Constructively

As a leader, you can create a more positive experience for your organization and yourself by utilizing relationship skills.

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